Monday, October 28, 2013

personal composition


The point of interest is the elmo phone.
I placed the main subject on the elmo phone. It is a strong example of R.O.T because it is off a little to the left.
I could improve this by sharpening the image.
The point of interest is the elmo phone.
i placed the subject intentionally to the left. this is a strong example of R.O.T because the phone is off to the left slightly. i can improve this by improving the lighting.


The point of interest in this photo is the grate. I placed the main subject on the middle of this grate.
This is a strong example of F.T.F because it fuills the frame. I can improve this with a fifferent angle.

The point of interes is the elmo phone. I placed the subject on the person with the phone.
This is a strong example of F.T.F because the subject is the main part of the whole picture. I could improve this with cropping.


The point of interest is the middle of this photo.
I placed the main subject in the middle of this photo.
This is a strong example of U.L.E because there are alot of line .I can improve this photo with more lighting.

The point of interest is the wall. Ipl;aced the main subject on the middle of the wall.
This is a strong example of U.L.E because the line is visible as a rut in the rock.
The photo is good no improvements needed.

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